Medicare Podiatry Coverage

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Medicare Podiatry Coverage, Medicare Coverage, Podiatry coverage of medicare, Podiatry medicare

Medicare podiatry coverage varies based on the conditions a patient is seen for and if the treatments are deemed medically necessary by Medicare.  Often, other insurance companies closely follow the guidelines set forth by medicare.  The legal documents that dictate medical necessity and coverage are called LCD’s or Local Coverage Determinations, and are published through out the year.  To insure you have the most current LCD’s you can google Medicare LCD’s or try to find the by going to the website. (good luck they are hard to find)

Current Medicare Podiatry Coverage LCD’s

Benign Skin Lesions

Chronic Wound Graft

Debridement of Mycotic Nails

Routine FootCare

SNF E and M Billing Guidlines

Trigger Injections

Varicose Veins


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